Lingnan University and Hong Kong Science and Technology Park jointly organise Gerontechnology Symposium to create value for the ageing society

30 Apr 2024

In order to promote the diversification of gerontech development and create value for society, Lingnan University Institute for Policy Studies’s Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing in Place (GTSA) Project and School of Graduate Studies, collaborate with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) recently launched a joint event - Gerontechnology Symposium on "Designing for the Future of Ageing Society". The symposium aimed to further emphasise the user-centred development model and to promote the cooperation between the industry, academia and NGO in the field of gerontechnology. The seminar attracted widespread attention from the community, with over 400 participants. This seminar promoted cross-border exchanges and sharing on the development of gerontechnology, and provided a platform for scholars and talents in health and technology to explore the design to facilitate the older adults needs.


The symposium was successfully held on 26 April and different practitioners and scholars have been invited to make presentations on different aspects with the topics of "Co-creation in Aging Society: Lessons Learned from Collaborating with Community", "Gerontechnology in Action: Exploring and Actualising the AI for an Inclusive Future", "Principles of Design for Gerontechnology Market: Best Practices and Case Studies", and "Enhancing User Experiences in Gerontechnology: Practical Research and Methods for Success". In addition, the seminar also invited local tech companies to showcase latest gerontech products include medical wearable sleep test ring, movement analysis system, smart wheelchair with stair-climbing function, AI detection device with instant alerts for fall risks., intelligent companion robot, wearable device to support the visually impaired.


Lingnan University is committed to cultivating young people's awareness of intelligent elderly care and preparing for an ageing society. The Postgraduate students from Lingnan University’s Master of Social Sciences in Health and Social Services Management, Master of Science in Health Analytics and Management, and Master of Science in Smart Ageing and Gerontology) also participated in this symposium. The event provided them with learning opportunities to exchange ideas on research. In addition, Lingnan University also invited teachers and students from HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School to participate, hoping to inspire young people's creativity and engage in technology exploration. The GTSA team believed that through cooperation between government, industry, academia and research, the local gerontech products can be more vital and creative, thus creating greater social value.