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Sharing Session of Lingnan Universty - Chow Tai Fook Student Exchange Scholarships

On 19 May 2014, 47 scholarships were awarded by Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation to support students participating in exchange programmes overseas or in mainland China for one semester in the academic year 2014/15.

At the event, Ms Miranda Chan, Project Manager and Ms Alvita Cheung, Project Officer of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, encouraged students to treasure the exchange opportunities but at the same time, contribute back to the community by committing to social services. Scholarship recipients shared their study plans for exchange and participation in community service.
The Lingnan Universty - Chow Tai Fook Student Exchange Scholarships were established in 2014 with a donation of HK$1 million each year for three consecutive years, totally HK$3 million, to support students who are passionate supporters of community service with good academic performance to go on exchange for one semester.