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感受 嶺大之雅



嶺南大學新任校長秦泗釗向大家致以最誠摯的問候。承前啓後,秦校長將在嶺南大學一百多年的教育實踐基礎上,致力於建設世界一流的研究型博雅大學。嶺南大學擁有自格致書院至今的深厚歷史底蘊,今天的嶺大不僅是香港的教育地標,更放眼全球。 面對數字化革命的新時代,秦校長將重點發展人工智能和數據科學,以科技創新促進教育教學的發展。嶺南大學將成立數據科學學院,融合藝術與科學,培養能夠面對氣候變化及可持續性發展挑戰的跨學科人才。 秦校長期待與嶺南大家庭成員及社會各界攜手合作,共同推進嶺南大學在大灣區乃至全球的博雅教育影響力,共創美好未來。

嶺南四季 歡迎懷揣夢想的你來臨

嶺南四季 歡迎懷揣夢想的你來臨


Global Brand Video

Global Brand Video

Lingnan University, a global leader in quality education and high-impact research, empowers students and researchers to connect people, cultures, and ideas, addressing the world's evolving needs. With a rich history dating back to 1888, Lingnan blends liberal arts education, interdisciplinary approaches, and experiential learning to foster a diverse and vibrant on-campus life. By uniting scholars and professionals in interdisciplinary projects, the university promotes entrepreneurship, innovation, and addresses the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in partnership with global organizations. Experience the distinctive Lingnan spirit, characterized by passion, perseverance, and openness to diverse ideas and cultures.

A Global Leader in Quality Education and High Impact Research

A Global Leader in Quality Education and High Impact Research
