LU and a local primary school join hands to drive gerontech education and inventions

Lingnan University and AD & FD POHL Mrs Cheng Yam On School held the “Experimental workshop of innovative ideas sharing: Cross-disciplinary education on gerontechnology” on 3 July, showcasing the gerontech inventions of primary school students like intelligent crutches, smartwatches, and smart medicine. It highlighted interdisciplinary and intergenerational collaborations, and manifested achievements of gerontechnology education.


LU’s Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing in Place Project (GTSA) team has collaborated with the school and integrated the theme of gerontechnology into General Studies with cross-disciplinary elements in the 2022/23 academic year. Students and teachers have integrated IT and STEM subject-related knowledge into General Studies, advancing gerontechnology education together.


The GTSA team also arranged a visit to LU Jockey Club Gerontech-X Lab and exchanges with gerontech ambassadors for students to know more about the development of tech applications for older adults in Hong Kong, foster their empathy and promote harmony across generations.


LU and a local primary school join hands to drive gerontech education and inventions