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Staff Training - Inclusive Campus Series

Staff Training
Staff Training - Inclusive Campus Series

inclusive campus series poster


「同你」藝術 擁抱不同:Embracing Differences in Expressive Arts
在註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師領導下,你會有2小時的沉浸式體驗,接觸不同的藝術治療形式,例如視覺藝術、戲劇等。
In this experiential workshop lead by Registered Expressive Arts Therapist, you will have an immersive 2-hour experience exposing you to a variety of art forms such as visual arts, drama and more. 
日期:8/5/2023 (一)
時間:2:30 - 4:30 pm
地點:LYH 320
講者:鄧智珊小姐 (註冊藝術 (表達藝術) 治療師)

學習無障礙: Microsoft Accessibility Training Workshop
How can computer software improve learning efficiency of people with special educational needs? Microsoft is one of the very accessible software with different auxiliary functions. After the workshop, you can help students overcome some special educational needs, and also improve your own work efficiency!

日期:15/5/2023 (一)
時間:2:00 - 5:00 pm
講者:Mr Kidd Ip (Microsoft Certified Trainer, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) 2023)

探索劇場:Empathetic Journey of Life
同理探索劇場 (Empathetic Journey of Life) 是以實境動態角色扮演 Live Action Role Playing (L.A.R.P) 的形式加入教育元素互相結合的產物。戲場活動手法 ("Empathy Exploration Theatre") 旨在引導參加者透過偵探式角色扮演,探索與體驗他人的人生經歷,從中培養參加者同理心及鍛鍊批判性思考。
Empathetic Journey of Life is a combination of educational elements in the form of Live Action Role Playing (L.A.R.P). The "Empathy Exploration Theatre" approach aims to guide participants to explore and experience the life of others through detective role-playing, and to cultivate participants' empathy and critical thinking.

日期:22/5/2023 (一)
時間:3:00 - 5:00 pm
地點:LBY G06 (Smart Classroom)


認識特殊需要 建立共融校園:Practical Skills Training in Working with People with SEN
來自 TREATS (親切)的講者將分享有關社會包容及敏感度、與有特殊需要的人溝通的實用技巧和知識。通過互動活動和遊戲,參與者將更加了解不同能力和背景的人。
The speaker from TREATS will share the skills and knowledge on social inclusion, sensitivity and communication with people with special needs. Through interactive activities and games, participants will develop a better understanding of people with different abilities and backgrounds.
日期:8/6/2023 (四)
時間:3:30 - 5:30 pm
地點:LYH 316
講者:盧美寶女士 (親切總監)

立即報名/ For registration:

如有查詢,歡迎聯絡 Ms. Karmen Cheung ([email protected]; 2616 7308)
If you need further information, please feel free to contact Ms. Karmen Cheung ([email protected] ; 2616 7308)